Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Fellowship! If you have recently relocated to the United Arab Emirates, are searching for a church family, or are just curious about spiritual matters, we’d love to be your home away from home! All are welcome and everyone has a place at Fellowship.
We are a church for people who think they don’t like church. We are an imperfect church full of imperfect people. So, if you’re not perfect, you’ll fit right in with us! We are a diverse group of people who get together every Sunday to praise, pray, and learn about God and Jesus, His son. (Find out more about who Fellowship is here.)
A typical Sunday service lasts 60 minutes. Our atmosphere is casual. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and aren’t afraid to laugh at ourselves.
Usually, we start by singing a few songs of contemporary worship led by a live band. We always project the lyrics, so don’t worry about not knowing the songs. After singing, we usually go over some announcements, the regular attendees give an offering, and then one of our pastors gets up to speak for about 30 minutes. Our messages are always live and are based on Biblical truth. You can watch some of our past messages here.
After our service is finished, we typically get together to hang out and talk with each other over coffee and pastries
We believe everyone has a place at Fellowship and we have many opportunities for you to get connected, get involved, and be invested in. Join one of our Small Groups or take a Fellowship Course, or serve behind the scenes on one of our ministry teams. Children and Youth have unique opportunities to get involved at Fellowship.
If it’s your first time joining us online, we would love to stay connected with you. Let us know how we can help you here.
Join us IN-PERSON (No Registration Needed) every Sunday in one of two in-person locations: SO/ Uptown Dubai Hotel at 9am, 11am, 1pm, and 7 pm OR Jumeirah Creekside Hotel at 9am, 11am, and 1pm. Go to Fellowship In-Person for details.
Alternatively, you are welcome to join us ONLINE every Sunday at 11 am.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.