At Fellowship Dubai, we have an active and vibrant Kids Church. We want to help the next younger generation come to know Jesus, grow in Jesus and follow him for life. We do this by teaching the Bible and building good relationships with them. We seek to partner with parents in growing young disciples. Children are welcomed and cared for by teams of trained volunteers, who are equipped and encouraged to share not only the Gospel by their lives as well (1 Thessalonians 2:8). We can’t wait to see you at Kids Church on Sunday.
Fellowship Kids ranges from age 1 to 10. Starting in September of each year, registration is required for all children within this age range (including those who were registered the previous year).
Parents of infants may care for their child in the Parent’s Room. A television link-up to the service is provided, as well as age-appropriate toys for infants.
Teams of carefully selected, trained leaders lovingly teach our very youngest children. Children are taught in a friendly and caring atmosphere through Bible stories, craft and active play. They are encouraged to put their trust in Jesus and live for him. The Kidswise Curriculum is used to teach each age group:
Children are encouraged to believe and trust in the Lord Jesus and to live for him. Children are taught through songs, stories, games, drama, craft and small group Bible discussions. Teams of carefully selected, trained leaders lovingly teach the children in this age group. The children of this age group will learn from the same passage of Scripture taught to their parents each Sunday. Our prayer is that families will talk and pray together about how God has impacted them each week. The Kidswise curriculum is used to teach this age group.
If you would like more information about Fellowship Kids, please get in touch with Luan Stoop at